Sunday, June 11, 2017


How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

Weed, the street name for marijuana, is actually a hemp plant that is known by the scientific name “Cannabis sativa”. It is one of...
Does weed make you lose weight

Does weed make you lose weight over a period?

Losing weight out of smoking weed is something that is really a myth. Smoking weed makes you eat more and more. It means you...
Is marijuana a gateway drug

Is marijuana a gateway drug?

In an experiment to find out whether marijuana is a gateway drug adolescent rodents were put to the test. The study found that any exposure...


Putting the lid on carbon monoxide

Q: I recently heard about a case where carpet cleaners were blamed for a building evacuation because of high carbon monoxide levels. Is it possible that this...

Carbon monoxide: Fatal fumes

Carbon monoxide poisoning kills more than 3,500 annually. Hunters and campers are at greater risk for suffering oxygen deprivation because they often use equipment or techniques that lead...

Carbon monoxide: how to prevent this silent killer

One-half of lethal poisonings in the US are caused by excessive carbon monoxide levels in the home. The origins include blocked chimney openings, broken water heater vent...

A Safe Bet: Carbon Monoxide Detectors

In years past, miners brought canaries with them down the shafts. If the birds became ill or died, the miners knew that carbon monoxide might be present...

Carbon monoxide: how to avoid a deadly poison

Carbon monoxide is an odorless but toxic gas that results when a fuel, such as gasoline, coal, propane, charcoal and others, burns incompletely. It is essential...
How long does marijuana stay in your urine

How long does marijuana stay in your urine

One of the most popular and preferred type of drug test is the urine test....

Every Smoker Is Ecstatic After They Quit Smoking

Kicking an addiction is challenging, and breaking a habit can be arduous. Smoking is both...

7 reasons that I quit smoking

For 15 years I smoked about a pack of cigarettes every day. I started smoking when I...
Is marijuana legal in Jamaica

Is marijuana legal in Jamaica?

There has been a considerable drug regulation amendment that decriminalizes marijuana partly. This law specifically...
Is weed bad for you

Is weed bad for you?

Weed is a harmful product that affects the development of brain of an individual. The...