Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Safe Bet: Carbon Monoxide Detectors

In years past, miners brought canaries with them down the shafts. If the birds became ill or died, the miners knew that carbon monoxide might be present...

Carbon monoxide: colorless, odorless, deadly

A common byproduct of combustion, carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that has proven itself to be a danger to RVers. Because carbon monoxide is a byproduct of incomplete...

Protecting customers from tragedy

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning technicians can help prevent the thousands of illnesses and the many deaths that occur from exposure to carbon monoxide or from fire and smoke...

Carbon monoxide: how to avoid a deadly poison

Carbon monoxide is an odorless but toxic gas that results when a fuel, such as gasoline, coal, propane, charcoal and others, burns incompletely. It is essential...

Carbon monoxide: how to prevent this silent killer

One-half of lethal poisonings in the US are caused by excessive carbon monoxide levels in the home. The origins include blocked chimney openings, broken water heater vent...

Carbon monoxide poisoning guides

Poisoning by carbon monoxide is more common in winter. During the cold winter months, old and neglected heaters and boilers are put to use, exposing their owners...

Carbon monoxide: a clear and present danger

When wholesaler-distributors use internal combustion forklifts inside buildings and confined spaces, dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) can build up quickly and remain in the air long...