Safari is the web program that was fundamentally intended for Apple gadgets. It is the sheltered, quickest and secured web program that accompanies many inherent highlights. This web program is just made accessible for Apple gadget at first, however now Windows PC clients can likewise get the Windows adaptation of this program. Safari program for Windows are accessible for download now and Windows clients can without much of a stretch download and introduce this web program on their Windows PC to supplant the more seasoned programs like Chrome and Firefox. The procedure and the subtle elements identified with the establishment of Safari on Windows are said beneath in this post.


To download the Safari for Windows on your PC, you have to dispatch any web program on your PC and go to the connection

The download procedure will begin naturally when to tap on this connection

At the point when the downloading of the .exe document is finished, you have to tap on the “Run” to begin the installer

Presently you have to begin the establishment procedure, yet before you begin the establishment guarantee to uncheck the container of default program and keep away from the establishment of any extra programming or application


Once the download of the .exe document is finished, you have to begin the establishment procedure of Safari for Windows.

  • Tap on the “Run” catch to begin the establishment procedure of the application on PC
  • You have to give consent in the middle of the establishment
  • You have to guarantee that you uncheck the container for default program
  • The establishment of the application may take some time and consequently you have to hold up till the establishment is finished
  • Once the establishment is over an alternate way symbol will be made on the desktop of your PC

After the establishment is finished, you can tap on the symbol of the Safari for Windows application to dispatch the application and begin utilizing quickest web.


Safari for Windows is the best and safe and secured web program for all Safari browser for Windows PC clients. In the event that you need to get to greatest highlights of this program, at that point download it on your PC for Free by following the previously mentioned techniques for downloading the .exe documents and establishment of the product on your Windows PC.