Quit Smoking and Side Effects


If you are planning on quitting smoking, then you are going to need to understand about the correlation between how to quit smoking and side effects that are bound to occur; after all, nicotine, which is found in tobacco smoke, is a devastatingly powerful chemical drug, and thus when you want to quit smoking and side effects occur, this is natural.

In regards to the matter of how to quit smoking and side effects that are possible, there are truly many, but when you are truly serious about how to quit smoking and side effects that are possibly going to happen to you, there are some that you will want to take note of more than others.

For instance, although there are many more benefits to quitting smoking, such as the fact that you will put yourself at a decreased chance for many different diseases, and as well you will be able to breathe better, you will not smell badly, you will be saving yourself money, and the fact that you will feel better overall; there are however certain side effects that you will most likely experience which is what makes it hard to stay off of cigarettes once you have been on them, especially if that was for a significant period of time.

When smokers try to cut back or quit, the absence of nicotine in their system leads to various different withdrawal symptoms; this refers to both mental and physical aspects, and physically, the body reacts to the absence of the nicotine, whereas psychologically, the smoker is faced with having to give up a habit that they have become accustomed to.

Withdrawal symptoms can include any of the following: dizziness, depression, frustration, anger, irritability, sleep disturbances, trouble concentrating, restlessness, headaches, tiredness, increased appetite, and more.

These symptoms are what often times leads a person to starting up smoking again, and if a person has smoked regularly for a few weeks or longer and then abruptly stops using tobacco or even greatly reduces the amount that they smoke, than withdrawal symptoms are almost sure to occur. These symptoms will usually start within a few hours of the last cigarette, and then peak a couple days later, but if you can handle this, then the symptoms will eventually decrease and then be gone fully.